Necklace of gold beads. It was probably made with wooden beads that have now disappeared. From it, only the gold covers used to line them are preserved (68 covers).
The beads represent feathers. The serrated part represents the feather (soft barbs at the base of the feathers), while the elongated part represents the vane.
Similar necklaces made with shell beads have been found in the tombs of Playa Venado and Panamá Viejo. Julia Mayo excavated a workshop of feather type shell beads at Sitio Cerro Juan Díaz in Los Santos in 2001.
Date of field recording:
Excavation campaign:
Record type:
Metal artifacts
Context-based browsing of El Caño repository
Archaeological site:
El Caño
Stratigraphic group:
Tomb 4
Stratigraphic unit (finds):
Individual´s funerary attire:
Finds-based browsing of El Caño repository
Metal artifacts:
Other specific measurements:
The necklace describes an arc. Dimensions of the arc.
Interior length: 49.5 cm.
Exterior length: 74 cm.
See the dimensions of each of the beads in the "resources" section.