This digital object brings together the papers presented at the 56th ICA 2018 (International Congress of Americanists), Salamanca, 15-20 July 2018 .
Symposium coordinated by the team of the Archaeological Project El Caño, under the title: Pre-Hispanic complex societies in the Dry Arc of Panama (Las sociedades complejas prehispánicas en el arco seco de Panamá).
The objective of this symposium is to disseminate advances in archaeological research that address the study of complex pre-Columbian societies in the region known as the Dry Arc of Panama.
In this region, the excavations of the archeological sites of Sitio Conte and El Hatillo, among others from the last century, and the current excavations of El Caño show the existence of social inequality in the pre-Hispanic societies of the region 700 years before the arrival of the Spaniards to the isthmus of Panama.
The study of the origin and causes of this social inequality, how these societies were organized politically, what their relationships were with neighboring political entities, what their economic model was or what their system of values and beliefs were, are topics of great importance for the characterization of these societies and the understanding of regional cultural dynamics and will be the thematic axis of this symposium.
Carlos Mayo Torné - Fundación El Caño/Instituto nacional de cultura de Panama
Mercedes Guinea Bueno - Universidad Complutense. Departamento de Historia de América II (Antropología de América)
Title / reference:
56th International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, 15-20 July 2018. Symposium 02/27. Pre-Hispanic Complex Societies in the Dry Arc of Panama
Co-authors / Institution:
Julia Mayo, Alfredo Fdez-Valmayor, Miguel A. Hervás, Jesús Herrerín, Alexa Hancock, María Martín-Seijo, Joeri Kaal, Ana Fdez-Pampillón, James Doyle, Adam Berrey, Mikael Haller.