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Digital Object 2746
Materials and documents related to Joeri Kaal´s presentation at the 56th International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, 15-20 July 2018, with the title: Resin objects in the grave goods of El Caño (Panama): design of an analysis protocol and first results (Objetos de resina en los ajuares de El Caño (Panamá): diseño de un protocolo de análisis y primeros resultados )..
Record type:
Publications / Materials
Publications and reports browsing
Joeri Kaal
Title / reference:
Resin objects in the grave goods of El Caño (Panama): design of an analysis protocol and first results (Objetos de resina en los ajuares de El Caño (Panamá): diseño de un protocolo de análisis y primeros resultados ).
Co-authors / Institution:
María Martín Seijo, Julia Mayo, Carlos Mayo
Materials / theme:
Identification and use of flora
Publication category:
Presentations at the congress / enlargement
Digital Object 2746