Julia Mayo. XVII National Congress of Science and Technology (APANAC 2018). Asociación Panameña para el Avance de la Ciencia (Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science). 23 to 26 October.
Dr. Julia Mayo presented a preview of the results of the multidimensional study conducted on mortuary practices in the isthmus, using El Caño as a case study.
Record type:
Publications / Materials
Publications and reports browsing
Julia Mayo
Title / reference:
THE BURIALS OF POMP OF EL CAÑO. Multidimensional approach to the study of the simultaneous multiple burials of El Caño.
Co-authors / Institution:
Carlos Mayo, Mercedes Guinea, Jesús Herrerín, Miguel Ángel Hervás, María Martín-Seijo, Máximo Jiménez