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Digital Object 2797
TATTOOS AND PAINTINGS. Corporal impressions in pre-Hispanic Panama: the anthropomorphic vessels of the necropolis of El Caño..

Introduction. The use of tattoos and body paintings by American cultures was already reported by the first European chroniclers during the Conquest and is still prevalent among today´s indigenous peoples. Nothing indicates that the cocle did not follow these customs, and although the state of decomposition of the individuals buried in the tombs excavated in El Caño prevents the analysis of skin samples, this practice, as well as its social significance, can be inferred by the effigy vessels deposited in the tombs along with the offerings and funerary attires. …
Record type:
Publications / Materials
Publications and reports browsing
Carlos Mayo
Title / reference:
TATTOOS AND PAINTINGS. Corporal impressions in pre-Hispanic Panama: the anthropomorphic vessels of the necropolis of El Caño..

2015. in Golden Warriors. The lords of Río Grande in Panama. Pg. 157-183. Julia Mayo, Juan Carles (ed.) Editorial Caribe. Republic of Panama 2015.
Co-authors / Institution:
Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas del Istmo, Fundación El Caño, Panamá
Materials / theme:
Complex Societies in the Arco Seco of Panama
Publication category:
Chapter book
Digital Object 2797