UE088. Deposit of materials and bones in primary position, located at a depth of 2.80 m in the NE, NW and SW walls of the pit. The matrix is brown clay with reddish tones and some fine sands. The unit rests on a step carved into the geological substrate. It is U-shaped and has more or less pronounced dips along its perimeter. The portion of the unit that rests on the NW-NE wall is the one that has a greater dip, between 45º- 70º of inclination. In this sector were placed two individuals which were partially covered with pots. These appear fragmented, and like the human bones, they keep in spite of the dip, their original geometry. The surface of the portion of the unit that rests on the NW wall has a horizontal surface with a dip of 20º-30º just at the edge of the wall to which it is attached. In it was found a skeleton, partially covered, as in the previous case by ceramic vessels. The portion of the tank that rests on the wall and step of the SW wall has a horizontal surface with a dip of 20º along the wall to which it is attached. In this sector two partially superimposed bodies were placed. All the bodies were placed in extended ventral decubitus, on the NE, NW and SW edge of the wooden lid (UE104) covering the burial placed on the second level of the pit (UE106). His funerary attire consisted of axes, adzees, projectile tips, animal tooth necklaces and bracelets, as well as some metal and stone earrings. This unit was also named UE091 and UE092. Later its code was consolidated and registered as UE088. A sample of charcoal obtained from the remains of the wooden platform yielded a date of Cal AD 880 to 990 (Cal BP 1070 to 960). Unit UE088 is the burial of five tomb warriors-guardians.