EU125 (called in 2013, EU166 unit). Primary human bone deposit located at a depth of 3.48 metres. It is a multiple burial. The bodies were placed with their feet towards the SW. This unit was cut to the NE by tomb T1. Only the leg bones of two skeletons are preserved. At his feet, 15 cm SW, a skull was located. Remains of a second skull were found at lower levels inside tomb T1, unit UE125b. The earth matrix surrounding the bones is dark grey and contains abundant organic material. A group of funerary attires (bracelets, sperm whale teeth, one of which is carved, perforated teeth of jaguars and pumas, beads, plates, earrings and gold earrings, green stone earrings and a perforated emerald) were found at the NW of the bones. Next to the skull was found a pectoral and a figure made with a sperm whale tooth representing an adult individual with a child in arms and a monkey on his back. The unit also contains axes and adzes and projectile tips. Radiometric analysis of a charcoal sample yielded a date of Cal DC 775 to 790 (Cal AP 1175 to 1160) / Cal DC 800 to 980 (Cal AP 1150 to 970). Burial of tomb T7.
EU125. Ceramic deposit located above EU125 unit (bones) of tomb T6. It consists of plates and trays placed upside down. The earth matrix that surrounds them is clay, brown with reddish tones. The plates have a white canvas with greyish shades and a linear structure (parallel dark grey lines interposed with lighter coloured lines). It is possible that, in addition to having a religious purpose (offering to the dead), all these materials also serve to protect the physical integrity of the bodies.