Embossed gold discoidal pectoral with the anthropo-zoomorphic representation of a supernatural being in a bipedal position with open extremities, whose iconographic features are generally interpreted as belonging to a mythical crocodile or dragon. Conte metallurgical group.
The head is that of a fantastic being with a large mouth with sharp triangular teeth, nose curved upwards, round eyes with a marked elongated bony rim, ears at the height of the mouth, swirls towards the forehead and with circular ear rods. From the base of the forehead emerge four ridges, two adorned at the top with half truncated triangles, joining together as their ends curl. Hands and feet have been replaced by claws. From these claws emanate, with the body facing upwards and the head turned downwards, the profiles of reptilian figures with four legs; two clearly visible, one hidden by the head, and the other shared with the human figure. Their heads are similar to that of the central figure with the exception that in these, separating the teeth and projecting outwards, a long tongue appears that turns on itself at its tip. A triangle occupies the central part of the chest. It has four suspension holes, two in the shoulders and two in the forearms. 23 x 26 cm. Weight: 200 gr.