Forearm bracelet with "zig-zag" design found together with the bracelet registered under number 9278. Part of the ulna and radius of the individual I7 were found within it. Adhered to the exterior was found an unctuous material, probably resin, and a dark, iridescent substance.
Excavation campaign:
Record type:
Metal artifacts
Context-based browsing of El Caño repository
Archaeological site:
El Caño
Stratigraphic group:
Tomb 2
Stratigraphic unit type:
Stratigraphic unit (finds):
Individual´s funerary attire:
Calibrated Age Range:
Cal AD 900 to 1020 (Cal BP 1050 to 930)
Finds-based browsing of El Caño repository
Other specific measurements:
proximal diameter 185 mm and distal diameter 288