Green beads. They were found below and on the package of sumptuary artifacts found on the remains of the burial of individual I7. They were probably part of the fabric of the bag containing the artifact packet.
Excavation campaign:
Record type:
Stone artifacts
Context-based browsing of El Caño repository
Archaeological site:
El Caño
Stratigraphic group:
Tomb 2
Stratigraphic unit type:
Stratigraphic unit (finds):
Individual´s funerary attire:
Calibrated Age Range:
Cal AD 900 to 1020 (Cal BP 1050 to 930)
Finds-based browsing of El Caño repository
Stone artifacts:
Woven bag with beads
Other specific measurements:
Dimensions of one of the beads: Diameter 4 mm. Height 2 mm.