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Objeto Digital 3012
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD):
Publication. Julia Mayo et al. 2021. Social Complexity at El Caño, in Pre-Columbian Central América, Colombia, and Ecuador: Toward an Integrated Approach., pg.247-270. Colin McEwan and John Hoopes, editors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Washington D.C.

From the introduction ...
What we present here is an archaeological study structured in three parts.
The first focuses on El Caño, a necropolis of the Greater Coclé archaeological tradition (ca. 700– 1000 CE), located on the west bank of the Río Grande in Central Panama. This encompasses two subjects:
1) hereditary inequality and
2) segregation according status,
both conditions or circumstances that are typical of stratified societies.

In the first part, we deduce the rules that regulate the possession of status in El Caño society from the analysis of the organization of the mortuary space and the distribution of wealth among the infants and adults, male and female, to then infer social complexity.

In the second part, we consider the same variables for Sitio Conte, another site with a necropolis located on the east bank of the river 2.5 km downstream.

Finally, we compare both cases.

The purpose of the second and third parts of the investigation is to explain the phenomenon of two contemporary necropolises existing in the Río Grande valley. To this end, we consider whether both were handled in the same way, according to the same social norms. This helps us determine whether Sitio Conte and El Caño are the necropolises of two different chiefdoms—our hypothesis—or two aspects of the same large burial site administered by a single chiefdom—the traditional explanation (Cooke et al. 2003; Fitzgerald 1992). The long-term aim of our project will be to determine the degree of social, political, and economic evolution of the societies that lived and established their necropolises in the Río Grande valley as well as the processes that influenced the formation and subsequent transformation of these societies.
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Publicaciones / Informes
Julia Mayo
Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas del Istmo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Otros coautores / colaboradores:
Carlos Mayo Torné, Mercedes Guinea Bueno, Miguel Ángel Hervás Herrera, Jesús Herrerín López, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor Crespo
Título (empieza por)::
S, s
Social Complexity at El Caño
Julia Mayo et al. 2021. Social Complexity at El Caño, in Pre-Columbian Central América, Colombia, and Ecuador: Toward an Integrated Approach. Pg.247-270. Colin McEwan and John Hoopes, editors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Washington D.C.
Sociedades complejas en el arco seco de Panamá
Tipo de publicación (o actividad):
Capitulo libro
Objeto Digital 3012