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ID  773  -  Public access
Description :   Hybrid effigy vessel (stingray and feline). White slip on which the pictorial decoration was applied in black and red.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  1012  -  Public access
Description :   Pendant of cast copper in the form of a human figure in the process of tearing out its eyes. It has a perforated emerald partially embedded in its belly, and two vertical rings in the back at shoulder level for suspension. The figure has its legs slightly flexed and its hands are directed towards the face, where the right is closed around the gouged right eye and the left grabs and removes the left eye from its socket, which appears empty. A trapezoidal skirt hanging from a braided cord belt can be seen. Two braided cords cross at the top of the chest and fall over the back. These seem to sup...
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2125  -  Public access
Description :   UE071. Package of human bones. Neither the pit nor the fill (egg white effect) could be defined. Probably associated with tomb T4. It was located by means of a borehole.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2499  -  Public access
Description :   Necklace of gold beads. It was probably made with wooden beads that have now disappeared. From it, only the gold covers used to line them are preserved (68 covers). The beads represent feathers. The serrated part represents the feather (soft barbs at the base of the feathers), while the elongated part represents the vane. Similar necklaces made with shell beads have been found in the tombs of Playa Venado and Panamá Viejo. Julia Mayo excavated a workshop of feather type shell beads at Sitio Cerro Juan Díaz in Los Santos in 2001.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2534  -  Public access
Description :   Spherical jar with a raised neck and a laterally displaced rim.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2674  -  Public access
Description :   Bowl on a tripod.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2675  -  Public access
Description :   Polychrome bowl.
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
ID  2685  -  Public access
Description :   Tomb T4 is a 60 m³ pit, and contains a burial of 36 individuals . The individual buried with the largest number of artifacts, status markers, was placed with the body facing east, not in the center of the pit, but on its south side next to the wall. He was decapitated and buried with his arms outstretched on both sides of the body. His head was placed beside his shoulders with his face up. His grave goods contained a pectoral, cuffs, pendants of copper and stone, and a belt of spherical beads lined with gold cases, among other artifacts made with animal teeth. Two other individuals with go...
Stratigraphic group:  Tomb 4
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