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ID  2033  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I29. Male individual, based on the recovered coxal and cranium fragments, very masculine. Age: Adult. On the basis of tooth wear, the closure of the cranial sutures and the morphology of the auricular surface of the coxa would have been between 25 and 35 years. Height: based on the maximum length of the right femur, this would have been in the range of 160 to 161 cm. Individual located beneath Individuals I36, I30 and I42. Individual I29 was on the SE edge of the tomb. Positioned prone, perpendicular to the major axis of the tomb, with a NE-SW orientation (head-feet), situated in the buria...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2034  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I30. Male individual given the general robustness of the individual, especially in the long bones of the legs and the morphology of the recovered cranial bones. Age: Young adult, between 25 and 35 years old. Height: based on the maximum length of the right femur and right tibia, it would have been in the range of 155 to 157 cm. Individual located beneath Individual I3. Individual I30 was on the SE edge of the tomb. Positioned prone, perpendicular to the major axis of the tomb, with a SW-NW (head-feet) orientation. The body was found in a foreshortened position to adapt to the edge of the ...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2035  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I31. Male individual given the great robustness of the skull, in the glabellar, supraorbital and inion areas. This is also true of the postcranial skeleton, especially in the arms. The humerus shows male discriminants in the main variables (epicondyle width, maximum and minimum diameters in the middle and diameter of the head). Age: Young adult, based on tooth wear, between 25 and 35 years old. Height: based on the maximum length of both femurs and right tibia, it would have been in the range of 160 to 161 cm. Individual located beneath Individual I6. Individual I31 was near the center of...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2038  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I36. Male individual given their general robustness. Discriminants also indicate this, both in the lower and upper extremities (left humeral epicondyle width). Age: young adult, with bone growth completely finished, between 25 and 35 years. Height: based on the maximum length of the femur and left tibia, it would have been in the range of 159 to 161 cm. Individual located beneath individuals I24 and I15 and above I29. Individual I36 was located in the center of the tomb. The individual was placed in a prone position, parallel to the major axis, in a NE-SE (head-feet) orientation. All th...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2039  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I37. Male individual, based on the recovered coxal fragment and the morphology of the sciatic notch. The general robustness is also significant, very masculine. Age: adult. Based on the auricular surface (what is left of it), this would have been a young adult, between 25 and 35 years of age. Height: could not be estimated. Individual located beneath individual I30 and above I29. Individual I37 was in the center of the tomb, in a prone position, on the major axis of the tomb, in a SE-NW (head-feet) orientation. All the conserved bone pieces were in an anatomical position and all the ana...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2040  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I38. Male individual due to the morphology of the recovered cranial fragments belonging to sexually dimorphic regions, such as the inion, the glabella or the mastoid processes. Age: Young adult. Based on tooth wear, this would have been an adult, between 25 and 35 years of age. Height: could not be estimated. Individual located beneath Individual I30 and above I37 and I29. Found in the center of the pit, crossing the major central axis of the tomb. The individual was placed in a prone position, with an S-N (head-feet) orientation. All the conserved bone pieces were in an anatomical posit...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2042  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I40. Male individual based on the fragments of the recovered skull, which included dimorphic areas, such as the mastoid process, inion area or glabella. Also the fragments of arms which were found returned male discriminants in dimorphic variables such as the epicondylar width of the right humerus. Age: young adult. Based on tooth wear between 25 and 35 years of age. Height: it was possible to calculate the height from the length of the right ulna, which was reconstructed to a large extent, and was 152 cm. Individual situated beneath Individual I37. Individual I40 was in the centre of th...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2044  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I42. Male individual given the large size of the mastoid processes and the general robustness of the recovered bone remains. Age: adult between 35 and 45 years of age based on tooth decay. Height: based on the maximum length of the left ulna, this would have been between 156 and 157 cm. Individual situated beneath Individual I14 and above I29. Individual I42 was located in the southern corner of the tomb. Only part of the skull and jaw were recovered, both very fragmented and incomplete, with some teeth. The left arm incomplete, only the humerus and ulna in anatomical connection and clos...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
ID  2046  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I44. Male individual on the basis of the fragments recovered of the large sciatic notch, which is masculine. Age: Young adult, between 25 and 35 years old, based on the morphology of the auricular surface of the coxal. Height: according to the maximum length of the right humerus and left ulna, it would have been in the range of 148 to 150 cm. Individual situated under Individual I15. Individual I44 was found in a prone position in the centre of the pit, parallel to the main axis of the tomb and slightly displaced towards the NE edge. Their orientation was SE-NW (head-feet). Burial in a ...
Identification: Sex ( / age):  Male
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