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ID  529  -  Public access
Description :   Concave bowl on pedestal. Border slightly raised and flat as a collar. Brown surface due to being fired in a reduced space.
ID  530  -  Public access
Description :   Embossed gold discoidal pectoral with the anthropo-zoomorphic representation of a supernatural being in a bipedal position with open extremities, whose iconographic features are generally interpreted as belonging to a mythical crocodile or dragon. Conte metallurgical group. The head is that of a fantastic being with a large mouth with sharp triangular teeth, nose curved upwards, round eyes with a marked elongated bony rim, ears at the height of the mouth, swirls towards the forehead and with circular ear rods. From the base of the forehead emerge four ridges, two adorned at the top with half t...
ID  531  -  Public access
Description :   Plate with ring base and thickened outer rim. Red brick slip on the outside of the piece and white on the obverse side. Tripartite division of the decorative area forming three panels with biomorphic decoration. In the central panel there are a sequence of crabs. On the side panels there is zoomorphic decoration of a serpentine body representing the figure of saurians.
ID  532  -  Public access
Description :   Gold pendant, made by the lost wax casting method. It formed part of the mortuary ensemble of the principal individual in tomb T2. The image lends itself to a dual reading depending on the angle from which is viewed. A seated person whose body, except for the head and neck, has been replaced with twin birds, or, if we rotate it 90º we see two birds whose tails seem to drag the head of a high status man. International Style. The human head is made with an unusual degree of detail that includes marking the iris and pupil in the eyes, teeth inside the mouth, hair on the eyebrows and even the la...
ID  533  -  Public access
Description :   Gold bracelet. It shows a small design with an embossed bird.
ID  534  -  Public access
Description :   Arm bracelet without design. It was found very close to another arm bracelet registered under number 9283. It's its couple.
ID  536  -  Public access
Description :   Forearm bracelet with zig-zag design.
ID  540  -  Public access
Description :   Forearm bracelet with "zig-zag" design found together with the bracelet registered under number 9278. Part of the ulna and radius of the individual I7 were found within it. Adhered to the exterior was found an unctuous material, probably resin, and a dark, iridescent substance.
ID  541  -  Public access
Description :   Laminar quincunxes of hammered and embossed gold. Set of seven square crosses with the rounded intersections of the arms and a central embossed circle. They have four perforations, for suspension or fastening; two at the end of one of the arms and two at the opposite arm. Conte style. This combination of square cross and central circle is of great antiquity and widespread in the iconography of pre-Hispanic America. These quincunxes are generally interpreted as the graphic embodiment of a conceptualization of the universe composed of four cardinal directions plus the center.MG
ID  542  -  Public access
Description :   Gold sheathing that covered a pendant of perishable material representing a seahorse that was part of the mortuary ensemble of the main individual I7 of tomb T2. The suspension hole is located on the neck. The sheathing corresponds to the right half of the animal without it being possible to determine if another lost sheathing, covered the left part of the figure. It is a naturalistic representation of a seahorse: highlighted eyes, tubular snout, coronet, compressed body, laterally covered with a bony skin rings and a prehensile tail rolled up at the front.
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