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1491-1500 of 1854 results
 147 / 148 / 149 / 150 151 / 152 / 153 
ID  2019  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I15. Male individual on account of the great robustness of all the bones present. Age: Adult, between 25 and 35 years old. Height: according to the maximum length of the left femur taken in situ, it would be in the range of 163 to 164 cm. Individual situated beneath Individual I16. Individual I15 was located in the central area of the grave, closer to the NE side, but not on the edge of the tomb. The individual's orientation was NW-SE (head-feet). The individual was lying in a clear prone position. The anatomical connections of ulna and radius were close. However, this was not the case ...
ID  2020  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I16. Male individual given the high level of robustness of all the bones present. Age: adult, based on tooth wear somewhere between 35-45 years. The wear is much greater on the front teeth than on the rest, so cultural use of the mouth as a third hand for some actions is not ruled out. The upper incisors are shovel-shaped. Height: Could not be determined. Individual located on top of Individual I15 and under Individual I31. Individual I16 was located in the central zone of the grave, closer to the NE side without being at the edge of the tomb. The individual's orientation was SE-NW (head-...
ID  2022  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I18. Female individual, based on the morphology of the recovered right coxal. The sciatic notch is very feminine. Most of the discriminants extracted from the variables of the postcranial skeleton are also very feminine. Age: From the morphology of the pubic symphysis, this is an individual between the ages of 18 and 25, whose bone development is not fully completed. The ischial tuberosity is not yet fused, which is consistent with a non-adult individual. Height: Based on the maximum length of the femurs and tibias, it is in the range of 148 to 150 cm. Individual situated on top of Indiv...
ID  2023  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I19. Sex not determined as this is a subadult individual. Age: subadult, between 15 and 17 years old, based on the fusion of the epiphysis and the shape of the body of the recovered vertebrae. Height: could not be calculated. Individual situated beneath Individual I1. Individual I19 was located on the SW side of the tomb, near the west corner, with the head forming part of the boundary, while the body was positioned towards the interior of the tomb, perpendicular to its main axis. The orientation of the individual was SW-NE (head-feet). The position of the body seems parallel to the NW sid...
ID  2024  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I20. Male individual based on the great robustness of the few bones recovered, for which variables have returned male values in all cases. Age: This is an adult individual, with completed bone growth and, based on the epiphyseal lines, between 25 and 35 years old. Height: could not be calculated. Individual located beneath Individual I1. Individual I20 is located at the W corner of the pit. Only the right humerus and ulna of this individual was preserved, in an anatomical position and with a close articular relationship.
ID  2025  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I21. Sex not determined as it is a subadult individual. Age: Subadult based on the recovered epiphyses, diaphysis sizes and vertical diameter of the right femoral head, between 13 and 15 years of age. Height: could not be determined. Individual located beneath Individual I31. Individual I21 was located on the NE side of the grave, near the north corner of the tomb. Only the entire left leg and the right tibia and fibula were recovered from this individual. The body was parallel to the main axis of the tomb, turned slightly to the west. The orientation of the body was SE-NW (head-feet), al...
ID  2026  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I22. Sex not determined due to the fact that it is an infant individual. Age: infant. Based on the development and eruption of the teeth, it was an individual of about 12 years +/- 30 months of age. Based on the length of the left femur, height would have been between 135-145 cm, depending on the sex. Individual located beneath Individual I1. Individual I22 was located on the NW side of the tomb. The head is in the north corner of the tomb. The orientation of the body was SW-NE (head-feet). The position of the body is lying in a prone position, slightly curved at hip level, where the legs...
ID  2027  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I23. SEX: not determined, since it was considered an infant individual. AGE: subadult. Based on dental development and eruption, this is an individual aged 12 years +/- 30 months. HEIGHT: The length in grave of the individual was 144 cm. Individual I23 was located on the NW side of the tomb, in a separate bed of the NW edge of the tomb. The orientation of the body was SW-NE (head-feet), perpendicular to the major axis of the tomb and parallel to the NW edge of the tomb, although located outside the limits of the mass grave. It is physically separated from the group of individuals that mak...
ID  2028  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I24. Male individual very robust in all bone pieces recovered. Although he was considered an individual with incomplete bone growth, the large sciatic cleavage was very masculine. Age: The individual was close to the completion of bone growth, between 18 and 25 years of age, closer to 25 years of age. Based on tooth decay, this would have been a young adult, between 25 and 35 years of age. For all these reasons, he is considered a subadult close to maturity, around 25 years old. Height: Based on the maximum length of the right tibia, this would have been between 162 and 164 cm. Individu...
ID  2029  -  Public access
Description :   T7-I25. Male individual, based on the large sciatic notch and the great robustness of all the long bones recovered. Age: Adult on the basis of tooth wear and morphology of the auricular surface of the coxal, between 35 and 45 years old. Height: based on the maximum length of the left femur and tibia, this would have been in the range of 157 to 160 cm. Individual located beneath Individual I3. Individual I25 was on the NE edge of the tomb, placed in a prone position, parallel to the major axis of the tomb, with a NW-SE (head-feet) orientation. The anatomical connections are close in all insta...
1491-1500 of 1854 results  
 147 / 148 / 149 / 150 151 / 152 / 153 
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