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ID  2064  -  Public access
Description :   UE018. Cut filled by stratigraphic unit UE009, of irregular form in plan, with the walls inclined towards the interior with a fairly vertical drop (110º). The base is flat with some irregularities. At the SW end it has a cavity of 29 x 16 cm with a thickness of 16 cm. The maximum dimensions are 170 x 88 cm (N-S; E-W). The depth varies between 8 and 29 cm in the cavity. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE005. Alteration caused by a root.
ID  2065  -  Public access
Description :   UE019. Court filled by the stratigraphic unit UE010, with irregular shape in plant. The walls are inclined towards the base of the cut at an angle of 120º. The base is flat, irregular and with five holes. Dimensions: 306 x 137 cm (SE-NW; SW-NE); depth ranges from 8 to 30 cm. - Hole 1: oval shape, 18 x 22 cm, and maximum depth of 10 cm. - Hole 2: shape in a kidney-shaped plant with a maximum length of 33 cm and width of 19 cm. Maximum depth of 16 cm. - Hole 3: shape in oval plant of 42 x 25 cm and 19 of maximum depth. - Hole 4: circular plant shape of 25 cm diameter and maximum depth of 15 ...
ID  2066  -  Public access
Description :   UE020. Cut of circular shape in plan, 10 cm in diameter and 17 cm in depth. The walls fall almost straight from the mouth to the base which is also circular, slightly convex, and 7 cm in diameter. Overall, there is no clear orientation; the ruptures are abrupt. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit U 006. Post hole.
ID  2067  -  Public access
Description :   UE021. Cut with a slightly oval shape in plan, 42 x 39 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW) and a maximum depth of 38 cm. The walls of the western half fall straight from the mouth, while those of the E have an inclination that exceeds 90º (+-100), up to a depth of 23 cm. The angle of descent is then smoothed to the base of the cut. The base is oval and convex, 10 x 6 cm (E-W; N-S), oriented to the east. As a whole, the cut is also inclined towards the E, this being the axis where the concave and convex ruptures are softer. Post hole.
ID  2068  -  Public access
Description :   UE022. Cut of circular shape in plan, 13 cm in diameter and 6 cm in depth. The walls fall inwards at an angle slightly above 90º. The base is circular, 11 cm in diameter, and slightly convex. It has neither inclination nor defined orientation. It was excavated in UE006. Contains UE012. Post hole. This could be a support post of UE023.
ID  2069  -  Public access
Description :   UE023. Cut with a circular shape in plan, 15 cm in diameter and 23 cm in depth. The walls fall inwards at an angle of +-115º, continuously until they reach the base. The base is circular and very convex, with a diameter of 5 cm. It has a slight inclination to the SE. Post hole.
ID  2070  -  Public access
Description :   UE024. Cut with an oval shape in plan, wider at the N end than at the S. It has dimensions of 107 x 72 cm (N-S; E-W), and an average thickness of 4 cm; however, it has two small holes in the southern half. The walls have a slight inclination towards the base; this is flat and without inclination, and maintains the orientation and shape of the mouth. Both ruptures are soft (mouth-wall, wall-base). It was excavated in UE006. Hole 1: oval shape in plan, 14 x 20 cm, oriented E-W. The depth is 8 cm, with the north wall falling almost vertically while the south wall falls at an angle of +-135º, b...
ID  2071  -  Public access
Description :   T2-088-I07. Adult individual placed in extended ventral decubitus (south-north direction). Only part of the lower limbs have been preserved in the primary position.
ID  2072  -  Public access
Description :   T2-088-I06. Adult individual, placed with the ulna prone (east-west) in a densely filled space.
ID  2073  -  Public access
Description :   T2-088-I08. Adult individual placed in extended ventral decubitus (northeast-southeast).
1531-1540 of 1854 results  
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