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ID  2087  -  Public access
Description :   UE032. Fill of brown soil with little compaction (the soil is very loose). In its granulometry, sands predominate over argillaceous materials. Its shape in plan is oval, with a narrowing in the center, oriented towards the N-S. Its dimensions are 18 x 10 cm (N-W; E-W); in the central narrowing it has a width of 5 cm. Two ceramic fragments appeared. Fills the cut of stratigraphic unit UE033. Remains of a root.
ID  2088  -  Public access
Description :   UE033. Cut with irregular form in plant, kidney-shaped. Its walls on the E slope inwards at an angle of less than 60º, while on the N side they do so almost vertically. Their dimensions are: N-S, 19 cm; maximum width S, 8 cm; maximum width N, 8.5cm; minimum width centre, 6 cm; maximum depth N, 11 cm; maximum depth S, 10 cm. The base is flat, larger than the mouth. To the north the walls reach the base at an angle greater than 125º; to the east the angle is +- 90º. Due to the irregular shape and the inclination of its walls, we believe that it is possibly an alteration caused by a root.
ID  2093  -  Public access
Description :   UE039. Carbonized wood structure surrounded by greyish earth. When excavating it no complete section of the wood could be recovered, only fragments. It has an oval shape in plan, 9 x 7 cm in size (N-S; E-W) and a thickness of 6 cm. It seemed to be sunk vertically. All the charcoal (MU 2235) was collected. Fill of stratigrapic unit UE045. Possible post fragment.
ID  2094  -  Public access
Description :   UE040. Cut that inserts into the NW profile of OP1, with a semi-oval shape in plan. It has visible dimensions of 44 x 29 cm (N-S;E-W) and a maximum depth of 29 cm. The western wall has an inclination of 135º, falling until it joins the straighter E wall. The base is the union of both walls, forming a "V", both mouth and base are oriented N-S, without inclination. Upper level 1.40/1.43 m. Possible pit. In the profile it is clear that it begins in upper levels, cutting stratigraphic unit UE005, as well as partially cutting stratigraphic units UE030 and UE007.
ID  2095  -  Public access
Description :   UE041. Partial cut that continues in the NW profile of OP1. Its shape is oval, with the walls straight or slightly inclined towards the interior in the south zone (>90º). The dimensions of the upper boundary are 14 x 8 cm (E-W; N-S). It has a maximum thickness of 6 cm in the E and 9 cm in the W, so that the base is inclined Maximum upper level of 1.27 m. and minimum of 1.30 m. Maximum lower level of 1.54 m. and minimum of 1.45 m. Small pit. As with stratigraphic units UE 040 and 043 it was not detected before, all starting at higher levels (they cut stratigraphic unit UE005).
ID  2096  -  Public access
Description :   UE042. Cut with circular shape in plan and irregular walls. It has a mouth of 7 cm. in diameter and reaches a depth of 13 cm. Overall it has a moderate N-S inclination. It contains stratigraphic unit UE036. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. Maximum upper levels of 0.99 m. and minimum of 1.02 m. Maximum lower levels of 1.33 m. and minimum of 1.12 m. Possible post hole.
ID  2097  -  Public access
Description :   UE043. Partially excavated cut, continuing in the NE profile of the operation. It is semicircular in shape, 17 cm in diameter, with walls that fall at a right angle towards the base, which is slightly concave. The mouth-wall and wall-to-base transitions are smooth. The maximum depth is 60 cm in the excavated area. it It contains stratigraphic unit UE037. Maximum upper level of 1.00 m. and minimum of 1.05 m. Maximum lower level of 1.52 m. and minimum of 1.50 m. This is a pit. The profile shows that both the cut of stratigraphic unit UE043 and the deposit that fills it, stratigraphic unit UE03...
ID  2098  -  Public access
Description :   UE044. Cut oval in shape (joined to the SW hole of stratigraphic unit UE 018), with a central area that narrows. Its dimensions are 56 x 16 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW). In the central zone it reaches 12 cm. The depth is 19 cm at the NW end, while at the SE it is 9 cm. The base has two areas of pronounced concavity, slightly oval, separated by an unevenness in the narrow part. At the NW end it measures 15 x 10 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW); at the SE 19 x 9 (NW-SE; NE-SW). The ruptures at the W end are: mouth-wall, abrupt and wall-base, rounded; at the E end both are rounded. Contains stratigraphic unit UE038. This ...
ID  2099  -  Public access
Description :   UE045. Cut of oval shape in plan, 10 x 7 cm (N-S; E-W), with a maximum depth of 6 cm. The walls are symmetrical and burnt due to the fragment of wood that filled it. The base is circular and flat, 7 cm in diameter. The orientation is N-S, although it may be the product of the excavation of the deposit. Both ruptures are +-90º, giving a certain cylindrical appearance. It contains stratigraphic unit UE039. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. Maximum upper level of 0.99 m. and minimum of 1.06 m. Maximum lower level of 1.09 m. and minimum of 1.09 m. Post hole.
ID  2100  -  Public access
Description :   UE046. Fill of brown-black earth, of high compaction and argillaceous granulometric composition. In plan its form is oval, 33 x 29 cm (N-S; E-W) and has a maximum thickness of 12 cm. It does not have a clear inclination nor does it provide any type of material. Fill of UE unit 053. Maximum upper level 1.31 m. and minimum of 1.33 m. Possibly the remains of a root, but due to its context it could be a small pit or post hole. No cultural material was found.
1551-1560 of 1854 results  
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