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ID  2101  -  Public access
Description :   UE047. Fill of dark brown earth, quite organic and of medium-low compaction. It has an almost circular shape in plan, 21 x 23 cm (N-S; E-W) and a maximum thickness of 23 cm. In its composition sands predominate over clays. Five ceramic fragments, a small shell, and a small bone fragment were recovered. Fill of stratigraphic unit UE048. Maximum upper level of 1.32 m. and minimum of 1.33 m. Fill of post hole.
ID  2102  -  Public access
Description :   UE048. Cut of circular form in plan, 22 cm in diameter and 23 cm in depth. The E-W walls have a certain symmetry. The base is irregular, very concave, 15 x 6 cm (E-W; N-S). In the northern half the walls fall with an angle greater than 90º, while in the southern half they do so with less than 90º until they join at the base. It contains stratigraphic unit UE047. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. Maximum upper level of 1.33 m. and minimum of 1.35. Maximum lower level of 1.56 m. and minimum of 1.54 m. Post hole.
ID  2103  -  Public access
Description :   UE049. Deposit of very compact clay of reddish color. The shape in plan is irregular, 28 x 20 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW) and a maximum thickness of 5 cm. The surrounding soil has a reddish coloration associated with its proximity to the deposit. It contains some ceramic fragments and is located over stratigraphic unit UE007. Maximum upper level of 1.39 m. and minimum of 1.46 m. It was extracted en bloc to take it to laboratory and to decide on pertinent analyses. Intentional deposit of anthropic origin.
ID  2104  -  Public access
Description :   UE050. Carbonized mangrove wood. It was most likely part of a wooden structure, cover or ranch. A sample was taken for C14 analysis which yielded a calibrated date of Cal AD 680 to 830 (Cal BP 1270 to 1120)/Cal AD 840 to 870 (Cal BP 1110 to 1080).
ID  2105  -  Public access
Description :   UE051. Fill of dark brown earth with patches of blacker earth of small dimensions to the S and to the W. It has a medium compaction and in its composition there are abundant sands and remains of organic matter. The form in plan is irregular, of 150 x 100 cm (N-S; E-W). It contained ceramics. There is a thick root in the southern part, 3-4 cm in diameter, which goes through the E to W deposit. It fills stratigraphic unit UE052. Alteration caused by a root
ID  2106  -  Public access
Description :   UE052. Irregular cut in an inverted "C" shape. Its dimensions are variable: to the S it measures 24 cm in width and 8cm in depth; to the E, 17 and 12; and to the N, 12cm in width and 12cm in depth. The entire outline and its base are irregular and without defined morphology. It contains stratigraphic unit UE051. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. Alteration produced by a root.
ID  2107  -  Public access
Description :   UE053. Cut, oval in plan, 32 x 29 cm (N-S; E-W) and 13 cm deep. The walls fall vertically towards the base, at an angle of +- 90º. The mouth-wall and wall-base ruptures are abrupt; the base, flat, has a slight SE-NW inclination, its oval shape being 28 x 22 cm (N-S; E-W). It contains stratigraphic unit UE046. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. It is possibly the remains of a root, although because of its context it could be a small pit or a post hole (despite not finding any cultural material).
ID  2108  -  Public access
Description :   UE054. Fill of brown earth, not very compacted. It is almost circular in plan although it is partially inserted in the NW profile of OP1. Its dimensions are 35 x 32 cm (N-S;E-W) and it has a maximum thickness of 30 cm. Its composition abounds with organic remains and sandy materials. It contained ceramics and a fish scale. It fills stratigraphic unit UE055. Pit fill.
ID  2109  -  Public access
Description :   UE055. Cut almost circular in shape in plan despite being slightly inserted into OP1´s NW profile. It has dimensions of 34 x 32 cm (N-S;E-W) and a depth of 32 cm. The walls fall vertically towards the base at an angle slightly greater than 90º. In the northern half the base is convex, reaching a depth of 20 cm. In the southern half it is altered, descending another 12 cm more, with a much more concave wall. It contains stratigraphic unit UE 054. Excavated in stratigraphic unit UE 007, although it probably started at higher levels. Bottom part of a pit partially altered by the action of root...
ID  2110  -  Public access
Description :   UE056. Deposit of small sized pieces of charcoal mixed with brown earth. The shape in plan is circular, 13 cm in diameter, and has a maximum thickness of 4 cm. The compaction is high, similar to stratigraphic unit UE007. No material was obtained. Charcoal sample 3492 was collected. Maximum upper level of 1.31 m. and minimum of 1.34 m. Maximum lower level of 1.64 and minimum of 1.60 m. Due to its location and characteristics it could have an anthropic origin, although this is doubtful.
1561-1570 of 1854 results  
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