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1571-1580 of 1854 results
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ID  2111  -  Public access
Description :   UE057. Cut of circular shape in plan, 14 cm in diameter with a maximum depth of 4 cm. The walls fall at an angle of +- 100º towards the base, also circular (11 cm) and concave, somewhat deeper in the W half. Upper maximum level of 1.54 m. and minimum of 1.55 m. Due to its location and characteristics it could have an anthropic origin, although this is doubtful.
ID  2112  -  Public access
Description :   UE058. Fill of very argillaceous earth that is grayish-greenish color, and of high compaction. The shape in plan is irregular, 70 x 37 cm (E-W; N-S). The granulometric composition is fine, but throughout the deposit are distributed abundant very weathered small black stones (size less than 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm). Its thickness is unknown since it was only defined in the plan, leaving it unexcavated. It is above stratigraphic unit UE007. Maximum upper level of 1.46 m. and minimum of 1.44 m. Deposit of unfired clay.
ID  2113  -  Public access
Description :   UE059. Deposit of dark brown earth, not very compacted and very organic, with abundant roots of small dimensions and, in smaller quantity, larger roots that cross the deposit from north to south. It also has remains of small pieces of charcoal. The shape in plan is oval, 80 x 27 cm (N-S; E-W) and a maximum thickness of 36 cm, with a N-S orientation. Abundant fragmented ceramic material was recovered, especially where the deposit was thicker. Maximum upper level of 1.45 m. and minimum of 1.49 m. Post hole fill.
ID  2114  -  Public access
Description :   UE060. Fill of brown earth not very compacted and very organic with abundant small roots. The shape in plan is oval of 20 x 14 cm (NE-SW;NW-SE) with a maximum thickness of 33 cm. Ceramic material was recovered (about eight fragments) and, in the bottom part of the deposit, several rounded stones. Fill of unit UE063. Maximum upper level of 1.50 m and minimum of 1.55 m. Post hole fill.
ID  2115  -  Public access
Description :   UE061. Fill of brown earth, not very compacted and very organic, sandy with small roots throughout its extent. The shape in plan is oval, of 22 x 13 cm (N-S; E-W) and a maximum thickness of 8 cm. Only 2 ceramic fragments were recovered. Maximum upper level of 1.50 m. and minimum of 1.51 m. Alteration produced by a root.
ID  2116  -  Public access
Description :   UE062. Cut of irregular form and elongated in plan, of 75 x 25 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW) and a maximum depth of 37 cm. The walls fall vertically from the mouth towards the base around its entire contour, except in the NW, where they do so at an angle of about 30º until they reach a depth of 15 cm, and then descend vertically. The base is oval, oriented SW-NE and inclined NE, with dimensions of 24 x 38 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW). The convex base extends under the walls that start in the mouth except in the southern part. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. It contains stratigraphic unit UE059. Maxim...
ID  2117  -  Public access
Description :   UE063. Cut with oval shape in plan, 18 x 15 cm (N-S; E-W) and a maximum depth of 29 cm. The walls descend in an angle of 100º in the south, while in the rest of the cut they do so inferior to 80º, presenting an overall inclination towards the north. The base is circular, 18 cm in diameter, flat with a small hole in the E. This hole is circular, 9 cm in diameter and 7 cm deep, with straight walls and a slightly convex flat base. It coincides perfectly with the mouth of cut 063. Maximum upper level at 1.51 m. and minimum at 1.56 m. Maximum lower level at 1.88 m. and minimum at 1.58 m. Post h...
ID  2118  -  Public access
Description :   UE064. Cut with a "triangular " shape in plan, with non-straight sides and rounded corners, 22 x 13 cm (N-S; E-W) and a maximum depth of 8 cm. The E wall descends at an angle of about 140°, while at the W the angle is about 80°. Both walls converge at the base, but the base does not have a defined shape. Maximum upper level 1.51 m. and minimum 1.53m. Maximum lower level is 1.85 m. and minimum is 1.73 m. The shape of the cut suggests that this is the remains of an alteration caused by a root.
ID  2119  -  Public access
Description :   UE065. Fill of brown soil, of medium-low compaction and sandy granulometry with abundant remains of organic matter (small roots and coals). Its shape in plan is oval, although irregular, of 60 x 35 cm (NW-SE; SW-NE) and with a maximum thickness of 15-20 cm, although this deposit and the cut stratigraphic unit 066 were sacrificed to better extract the burnt wood from stratigraphic unit UE050. Ceramic material, stones and charcoal were recovered. Fill of stratigraphic unit UE066. Maximum upper level is 1.51 m. and minimum is 1.53 m. Maximum lower level 1.60 m. and minimum level 1.54 m. Pit fi...
ID  2120  -  Public access
Description :   UE066. Cut of semicircular form in plan, with dimensions of 60 x 35 cm (SW-NE; SE-NW) and a maximum depth of 15cm. The walls fall towards the base at an angle of more than 130º all around the perimeter, with very soft and rounded breaks (both mouth-wall and wall-base). The base is semicircular in plan 30 x 20 cm (SW-NE; SE-NW). There are no traces of fire or high temperatures on the walls despite containing stratigraphic unit UE 050. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. It contains stratigraphic unit UE050 and stratigraphic unit UE065. It was cut by stratigraphic unit UE069 in the N...
1571-1580 of 1854 results  
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