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ID  2121  -  Public access
Description :   UE067. Fill of orange-brown earth, sandy, with organic remains (roots) and an abundant number of clay remains in the form of small and medium sized clumps. Its compaction is medium, as well as its granulometry. The shape in plan is oval, of 46 x 38 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW) and with a maximum thickness of 40 cm. Ceramic fragments were recovered (+30), stones (+10) and small blocks of clay (+20). Maximum upper level of 1.70 m. and minimum of 1.74 m. Fill of pit.
ID  2122  -  Public access
Description :   UE068. Fill of very organic black earth with numerous remains of small roots. Its compaction is very low. It has an oval shape in plan that measures 45 x 36 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW) and a maximum thickness of 30 cm. Ceramic fragments and stones were collected. Maximum upper level to 2.02 m. and minimum to 1.92 m. Pit fill.
ID  2123  -  Public access
Description :   UE069. Cut of oval shape in plan, although irregular and without orientation, with dimensions of 38 x 47 cm (NW-SE; NE-SW). The walls fall almost vertically from the edge to a depth of 45 cm and then widen before reaching the base. Ruptures are rounded and the base has an irregular shape. It was excavated in stratigraphic unit UE007. It contains stratigraphic units UE067 and UE068. It cuts stratigraphic unit UE069 in the SE. Maximum upper level 1.92 m. and minimum level 1.95 m. Pit altered at its base.
ID  2125  -  Public access
Description :   UE071. Package of human bones. Neither the pit nor the fill (egg white effect) could be defined. Probably associated with tomb T4. It was located by means of a borehole.
ID  2138  -  Public access
Description :   EU087. Deposit composed of two osaments, garments and offerings located 1.50 m - 1.20 m from the surface, inside the grave of tomb T2. It occupies a rectangular floor space of 2.50 m x 1 m. The matrix is brown clay with reddish tones and has a high sand content. The unit is partly disturbed by what appears to be the effect of footsteps. Its surface is horizontal but irregular. The most removed sector is the NW. It contains fragments of human bones of adult individuals, marine ray bones, arrowheads, among other materials. To the NE were found the remains of an adult of which only tibia and fibu...
ID  2145  -  Public access
Description :   EU098. Clay deposit located at a depth of 2.92 m. It is brown in colour and has a large quantity of sand, small fragments of artifacts, especially ceramics and small coals. It is circular in shape and occupies 4 m2. It covers units UE100 and UE101. It is one of the deposits of clogging located in the interior of the superior glass of the tomb T2.
ID  2146  -  Public access
Description :   EU101. Deposit of clayey soil located at a depth of 3.15 m. It is a compact, brown filling with green tones. At the dive this deposit feels less hard than the deposit UE098. There is a large amount of very dispersed and fragmented cultural material, including gold leaf and beads, shark tooth beads and other remains of fauna. It covers the stratigraphic units UE103, UE104 and UE106.
ID  2147  -  Public access
Description :   EU102. Depot located inside tomb T1 at a depth of 4.12 meters. The matrix is brown and the granulometry is medium. It has a power of 6 cm and contains a large number of fragments of ceramic artifacts, stone and animal bones.
ID  2148  -  Public access
Description :   EU103. Artifact repository located at a depth of 2.80 m (upper elevation) and 3.15 m (lower elevation). The soil matrix is brown, clayey, and contains small coals. It has a dip of approximately 65° N-S direction. It is attached to the grave pit and rests on the EU104 unit. The density of ceramics, axes, adzes and bone and metal artifacts is striking. Small complete bowls were collected in it. The rest of the ceramics are fragmented, but they keep their original geometry. To the NW of this deposit and in superior levels, an empty space can be appreciated, without materials, of proportions and...
ID  2149  -  Public access
Description :   EU104. At a depth of 3.15 m. It rests on the first step of the pit and is attached, in part (NE, NW and SW edges), to the walls of the pit (a section of the same that joins the first step with the second) and to the burial located on the second step (UE106). On it, in the N corner and NE side, the UE103 unit is supported. The clayey, sandy matrix of this unit is brown in colour and contains vessels and other artifacts arranged on the remains of a collapsed wooden decking. This decking is observed in the SW corner of the pit and along the SW edge of the pit. It appears to be charred. It stands ...
1581-1590 of 1854 results  
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