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ID  2150  -  Public access
Description :   EU107. Deposit consisting of a large ceramic pot. It was placed on the UE138 unit (collapse of the lid of the funerary chamber of the lower vessel of tomb T2). An important quantity of charred vegetable remains were found inside. Its earth matrix is identical to that of the EU131 unit. We believe that these two units (UE131 and UE107) were deposited at the same time and that the pot was intentionally split in half in order to function as a sahumerio. Some samples were taken and sent to Maria Martín Seijo to be analysed in the archaeology laboratory of the University of Santiago de Compo...
ID  2151  -  Public access
Description :   EU108. Deposit of clayey earth, brown in colour, with some sands and medium compaction. Contains some fragments of human bones and abundant cultural material - ceramic fragments, shell beads, gold beads, arrowheads, caudal spines. A clogging filler covering EU107, EU128 and EU131 units. It is comparable to the EU101 unit, but has an even greater quantity of archaeological materials.
ID  2169  -  Public access
Description :   EU128. Deposit of materials located on the wooden lid of the funerary chamber located in the lower vessel of tomb T2 at its SW edge. It has an inclination of 30º with SW-NE orientation, product of the collapse of the lid. The matrix of the envelope is clayey, brown with reddish tones and has a high sand content. This unit contains three pectorals, four bracelets and some gold sheets, all gold and miniature. It also contains shell beads, tubular beads made from bird radii, small discoidal beads made from green stones, among other sumptuous materials. We believe it is the remains of the burial ...
ID  2174  -  Public access
Description :   EU135 Materials depot located in the NE corner of tomb T2, above the bottom of the grave. The matrix contains clays and fine sands and is brown in colour. Some materials point in the direction of the centre of the pit. We believe that the reason for this dip is that, in origin, these were stacked or placed inside a container or container (basket or similar), made with organic materials. The deposit is composed of a gold paten, placed at the bottom (as the base of the set of artifacts), earrings made with carved sperm whale teeth and a group of copper plates. It is an offering.
ID  2175  -  Public access
Description :   EU136. Ceramic and stone artifacts repository, located above the bodies of the main burial of tomb T2, unit UE134. The pottery is fragmented, but retains its original geometry. This unit covers the entire burial and its surface is horizontal. The matrix surrounding the artifacts is a reddish-brown clay with fine-grained mineral inclusions. It is possible that, in addition to having a religious purpose (offering to the dead), all these materials also serve to protect the physical integrity of the bodies.
ID  2176  -  Public access
Description :   EU137. Earth deposit. It is brown, clay-coloured, of medium compaction, with abundant fragments of cultural materials. Its surface is horizontal. It covers the entire EU136 unit and on which the EU138 unit rests. It is a clogging filler. It completely covered the offering (UE136) placed over the burial.
ID  2177  -  Public access
Description :   EU139. Deposit of materials, mostly ceramics. These are fragmented and only partially retain their geometry. They are not complete. It was found in the S corner of the grave of tomb T2. The matrix is clayey, brown with reddish tones and medium granulometry. It has an N-S dip. In its upper part it is introduced in the corner S of the pit. It is a package of materials product of the sliding of part of the deposits of the tomb T6 towards the interior of the grave of the tomb T2.
ID  2178  -  Public access
Description :   UE157. Fill of dark brown earth, of medium compaction and fine granulometry, in which silts and clays predominate over other elements. There are no roots or stones. Dimensions 41 x 18 cm (N-S x E-W), with a thickness of 10 cm. It is located in the NE corner of T1 and continues under the profile. Several vessels as well as a piece of femur and small fragments of human bones were documented.
ID  2179  -  Public access
Description :   UE158. Fill of grayish earth, ashy, of average compaction and fine granulometry (abundant silt); neither roots nor stones can be observed, but there is an abundance of charcoal. It occupies the same surface in plan as UE157 (below it), and has a thickness of about 5 cm. It is located in the NE corner of T1 and continues below the profile.
ID  2180  -  Public access
Description :   EU159. Ceramic deposit that extends over the burial in its sector W-N and in the corner E. It has dimensions of 2.66 x 1.84m (SW-NE and SE-NW) and an average power of 25 cm. The matrix is greyish clay, darker the deeper we go. It presents abundant organic matter and is of fine granulometry. The unit is composed of plates, bowls, globular vessels, jars and several incense burners are documented. They appear fragmented, but keeping their original geometry. The great majority were placed face up and in some cases one on top of the other (superposition of vessels). Towards N-E, the materials are m...
1591-1600 of 1854 results  
 157 / 158 / 159 / 160 161 / 162 / 163 
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