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1601-1610 of 1854 results
 158 / 159 / 160 / 161 162 / 163 / 164 
ID  2181  -  Public access
Description :   UE168. Fill of very dark gray soil, wet as a result of the water table, low compaction, mineral and organic and of fine granulometry. On the ground plan, it appears in the E corner of T1 and continues along the E-S profile, dipping upwards at an angle of about 35º. In contrast, it is not seen in the N-E profile. It has an extension of 50 x 40 cm and a thickness that is to be determined, although in the profile it is about 30 cm. It has not been excavated in this intervention, limiting us to define it in plan and document it. Some pottery and samples have been collected to contextualize it.
ID  2182  -  Public access
Description :   UE237. Grayish deposit, with medium compaction, of fairly organic soil located to the E of T1, in the expanded area. It has only been defined in plan. It is possible that it is a fill of T1, comparable to UE158, although that part of the tomb has yet to be excavated.
ID  2183  -  Public access
Description :   UE170. Patch of earth that is circular in plan, grayish in the center and light brown on the outer perimeter. The central grayish zone is more organic and finer grain than the brown, which is more mineral and sandy. It was documented in the NE quadrant of T1 with a diameter of about 17 cm and a thickness of 6 cm.
ID  2184  -  Public access
Description :   UE193. Cut of slightly oval shape in plan, of 19 x 16 cm (axis NE-SW x NW-SE) and 8 cm in depth, giving it a light NE-SW orientation. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 90º. The base is circular in plan, 15 cm in diameter, flat, and has no orientation. The mouth-wall and wall-base ruptures form an angle of almost 90º, giving the hole the appearance of a cylinder. It was excavated in UE163 and contains UE170.
ID  2185  -  Public access
Description :   UE171. Patch of earth of slightly oval shape in plan, with a slight NE-SW orientation, grayish in the center and light brown on the outer perimeter. The central greyish zone is more organic and finer grain than the brown, which is more mineral and sandy. It is located in the quadrant of tomb T1. It has dimensions of 19 x 15 cm (NE-SW x NW-SE) and a thickness of 10 cm.
ID  2186  -  Public access
Description :   UE194. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 20 cm in diameter and 11 cm in depth. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 135º until they reach the base. This is slightly oval, 7 x 4 cm (NE-SW x NW-SE), and concave. All this makes the hole look like an inverted cone. It was excavated in UE163 and contains UE171.
ID  2187  -  Public access
Description :   UE172. Fill of earth of almost circular shape in plan. It is grayish in color with light brown zones, but not as homogeneous in its composition as the deposits of the other posts. The sediment of the gray areas is more organic and finer grain than the brown areas, which are more mineral and sandy. It was located in the SE quadrant of the T1, has major axes of 19 x 15 cm (NE-SW x NW-SE) and a maximum thickness of 11 cm.
ID  2188  -  Public access
Description :   UE184. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 17 cm in diameter and 12 cm in depth. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 100º until they reach the base. The base is circular, 4 cm in diameter and concave, located towards the SE, which gives the hole a slight NE-SW orientation. The wall-base rupture is progressive. It was excavated in UE163 and contains unit UE172.
ID  2189  -  Public access
Description :   UE173. Fill of earth of oval shape in plan, with the central part being grayish in color and the exterior light brown. The sediment of the gray areas is more organic and finer grain than that of the brown areas, which is more mineral. Located in the SE quadrant of tombT1, it has major axes of 20 x 18 cm (NE-SW x NW-SE). It has not been fully defined in plan, being visible in the profile as the brown soil rises to a height (counted from the lowest point of the deposit) of about 30 cm. The thickness excavated from the floor is 13 cm. Several small fragments of burnt wood were documented and col...
ID  2190  -  Public access
Description :   UE185. Cut of oval shape in plan, approximately 20 x 16 cm (NW-SE x NE-SW), and 14 cm deep. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 100º until they reach the base. This is oval, 8 x 6 cm (N x S) and concave, located towards the S, which gives the hole a slight N-S orientation. The wall-base rupture is progressive. It was excavated in UE163 and contains UE173.
1601-1610 of 1854 results  
 158 / 159 / 160 / 161 162 / 163 / 164 
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