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1621-1630 of 1854 results
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ID  2201  -  Public access
Description :   UE179. Fill of circular shape in plan composed of a mixture of light brown and gray sediments. Those of the gray areas are more organic and finer grain than those of the brown areas, which are more mineral and sandy. Located in the NW quadrant of T1, it has a diameter of 11 cm. The maximum thickness is 9 cm.
ID  2202  -  Public access
Description :   UE191. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 12 cm in diameter and a maximum depth of 10 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle slightly greater than 90º until they reach the bottom. The base, circular 5 cm in diameter, is concave and the ruptures with respect to the walls are relatively smooth. It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in UE163 and contains UE179.
ID  2203  -  Public access
Description :   UE180. Fill of circular shape in plan composed of a mixture of light brown and gray sediments. Those of the gray areas are more organic and finer grain than those of the brown areas, which are more mineral and sandy. It was located in the NW quadrant of the T1, protrudes 12 cm from the profile and has a maximum visible diameter of 17 cm (N-S). The maximum thickness is 10 cm.
ID  2204  -  Public access
Description :   UE192. Cut of oval shape in plan, approximately 17 x 15 cm (NW-SW x NW-SE) and 10 in depth. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 135º until they reach the base which is circular, 8 cm in diameter and concave. This makes the hole look like an inverted cone. It was excavated in UE163 and contains UE180.
ID  2205  -  Public access
Description :   EU161. Deposit of artefacts. The matrix is a dark grey soil, organic and with roots, fine granulometry and high compaction. It was located in the S corner of the lower vessel of tomb T2. It occupies a strip of about 2.5 x 0.6 meters (E-W / N-S) and has an average power of 55 cm. It contains a group of bone flutes, two stone bars, carved sperm whales´ teeth, artifacts made with perforated shark teeth, gold tubular beads, spherical gold beads and green stone beads, as well as axes and adzees. These materials appear markedly vertical. We consider it to be an offering placed next to the burial, i...
ID  2207  -  Public access
Description :   EU182. Package of human bones located above burial UE134, in tomb T2, in quadrant NE above thorax area of individuals I6, I5, I4 and I2. They appeared following the longitudinal axis of the bodies (SE-NW) intercalated between them. The feature has dimensions of 1 x 0.5 meters and an average power between 10 and 20 cm. Its surface is horizontal. Twenty long bones (femurs and tibias) and some fragments of jaws and teeth were collected. There was little sediment between them, and some lithics, fibre remains and iron oxides were also documented. It is one of the burial offerings.
ID  2208  -  Public access
Description :   UE183. Package of human bones and fauna (mammals), located above the UE134 burial, in tomb T2, in quadrant SW on the lower limbs of individuals I14, I5, I18 and I19. Their orientation is not as clear as that of the bones of the EU182 unit, but the trend, as in that case, is the longitudinal orientation parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bodies of the individuals on which they were placed, which is SE-NW. The feature has dimensions of 90 x 30 cm (N-S / E-W) and its average power is between 10 and 15 cm. Its surface is horizontal. In addition to the bones, it contains some ceramic and lith...
ID  2209  -  Public access
Description :   UE218. Circular patch of organic grayish earth with remains of ashes. Medium compaction and fine grain, with remnants of charcoal. On this level, an incense burner was documented lying face down with fragments of charcoal beneath it. It has a diameter of 22 cm and a maximum thickness of 7 cm. Located in the S quadrant, it does not form part of the perimeter post holes of T2, but looks like a votive deposit related to the construction of the tomb, prior to burials.
ID  2210  -  Public access
Description :   UE235. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 22 cm in diameter with a maximum depth of 7 cm. The break at the mouth of the hole is abrupt, while at the base it is more gradual. This is concave and circular, about 14 cm in diameter. It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in UE249 and contains UE218.
ID  2212  -  Public access
Description :   UE202. Fill of earth with a circular shape in plan, gray in the center and brown on the perimeter. The central grayish zone is more organic and finer grain than the brown, which is more mineral and sandy. It was documented in the SE quadrant of tomb T2, and has a diameter of 20 cm and a thickness of 11 cm. Partially destroyed by the excavation of tomb T1.
1621-1630 of 1854 results  
 160 / 161 / 162 / 163 164 / 165 / 166 
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