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ID  2223  -  Public access
Description :   UE224. Cut with a circular shape in plan, approximately 15 cm in diameter with a maximum depth of 17 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle slightly greater than 90º until they reach the bottom. The base, slightly oval (8 x 6 cm), is concave, with relatively soft ruptures with respect to the walls. It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in UE249 and contains unit UE207.
ID  2224  -  Public access
Description :   UE208. Fill with an oval shape in plan, grayish color. Matrix more organic than mineral, medium compaction and fine granulometry. Located in the W quadrant of tomb T2, its dimensions are 16 x 14 cm and its maximum thickness is 10 cm.
ID  2225  -  Public access
Description :   UE225. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 15 cm in diameter with a maximum depth of 10 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 90º until they reach the bottom. The base is irregular and concave. Ceramic fragments were documented (visible at the boundary of the cut), which could belong to unit UE199 (in this case, UE199 -and its associated tomb- would be earlier). It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in the unit UE249 and contains unit UE208.
ID  2226  -  Public access
Description :   UE209. Fill with a slightly oval shape in a plan, composed of a mixture of light brown and gray sediments. The grayish zones are more organic and finer grain than the brown areas, which are more mineral and sandy. Located in the NW quadrant of tomb T2, its dimensions are 15 x 12 cm (SW-NE x SE-NW). The maximum thickness is 10 cm.
ID  2227  -  Public access
Description :   UE226. Cut of almost circular shape in plan, about 15 x 12 cm (SW-NE x SE-NW) and a maximum depth of 11 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle slightly greater than 90º until they reach the bottom. The base, slightly oval (8 x 6 cm), is concave with relatively soft ruptures with respect to the walls. It has no clear orientation or inclination. It was excavated in unit UE249 and contains unit UE209.
ID  2228  -  Public access
Description :   UE210. Fill of circular shape in plan, composed of a mixture of light brown and grey sediments. The grayish zones are more organic and finer grain than the brown zones, which are more mineral and sandy. Located in the NW quadrant of tomb T2, it has a diameter of 15 cm. The maximum thickness is 5 cm.
ID  2229  -  Public access
Description :   UE227. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 17 cm in diameter and a maximum depth of 5 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle greater than 120º until they reach the bottom. The base, oval (7 x 6 cm), is concave, with soft ruptures with respect to the walls. It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in unit UE249 and contains unit UE210.
ID  2230  -  Public access
Description :   UE211. Fill of circular shape in plan, composed of a mixture of light brown and gray sediments. The grayish zones are more organic and finer grain than the brown zones, which are more mineral and sandy. Located in the NW quadrant of tomb T2, it has a diameter of 15 cm. The maximum thickness is 10 cm.
ID  2231  -  Public access
Description :   UE228. Cut of circular form in plan, approximately 15 cm in diameter and a maximum depth of 11 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle slightly greater than 90º until they reach the bottom. The base, slightly oval (8 x 6 cm), is concave with relatively soft ruptures with respect to the walls. Excavated in UE249, it contains unit UE211.
ID  2232  -  Public access
Description :   UE212. Fill of earth with a semicircular morphology on the ground, gray in the center and brown on the perimeter. The matrix is more organic than mineral and appears in the N corner of tomb T2. It has visible dimensions of 17 x 6 cm (NW-SE x NE-SW) and a maximum thickness of 5 cm (counted from the point at which the deposit is defined on the ground). It is partially described in the S-SE profile of tomb T2, and it is observed that it would have another 63 cm (total, 67 cm). Ceramic material was found inside the tomb (decorated plate). It is not completely defined on the ground, the deposit is ...
1641-1650 of 1854 results  
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