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1661-1670 of 1854 results
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ID  2244  -  Public access
Description :   UE234. Cut of circular shape in plan, approximately 20 cm in diameter and a maximum depth of 18 cm. The walls fall inwards at an angle of about 100º until they reach the bottom. The base, oval (9 x 6 cm, ne-sw x nw-se), is concave with soft ruptures with respect to the walls. It has no orientation or inclination. It was excavated in unit UE249 and contains unit UE217.
ID  2246  -  Public access
Description :   UE166. Deposit of dark gray earth, organic and of medium compaction, similar in its characteristic to UE167. Its dimensions are 1.12 x 0.51 meters (SW-NE x SE-NW) and has a maximum thickness of 20 cm. The differential nomenclature is given because there is a strip between these stratigraphic units (UE248) that breaks the continuity of the deposit. This is because that area was excavated in previous interventions. It provided lithic material, gold, ceramics, and bones; as well as the legs and skull of an individual (HU10427). It appears below unit UE162, filling unit UE165. It is comparable to ...
ID  2247  -  Public access
Description :   UE167. Fill of dark gray earth, organic and of medium compaction, which appears in tomb T6 in its northern half. Its dimensions are 0.82 x 0.66 meters (SW-NE x SE-NW) and its thickness is about 20 cm. It contains materials, gold artifacts, lithic instruments, ceramics, and bone remains (both human and animal). This level has a visible N-S dip, which could indicate the collapse of some type of structure on which the offerings for the bodies buried there would be placed. It is below unit UE162, and fills UE165 . It is comparable to unit UE167.
ID  2248  -  Public access
Description :   EU165. Fossa cut. It is only partially preserved because it was cut to the NE by the fossa of tomb T1. Originally it probably had a quadrangular shape on the ground plan. We do not have enough data to calculate its original area. The SW sector and part of the SE have been preserved. Its corners are oriented towards the four cardinal points. Only its corner W is preserved. It is the fossa of tomb T6.
ID  2250  -  Public access
Description :   UE196. Fill of dark brown earth with semicircular morphology, high compaction and medium grain. It is located in the S zone of the excavation, close to the S profile of tomb T1, and seems to continue in the unexcavated space. The visible surface is 2.2 x 1 meters and has a thickness (measured in the profile of tomb T1), of 45 cm. Fills unit UE169. Covers unit UE201. This is the fill of a tomb.
ID  2256  -  Public access
Description :   UE199. Ceramic deposit located in the NW corner of tomb T2. It has not been excavated; only a small piece has been discovered during the excavation process of T2. A circle section morphology can be seen in plan, although there is not enough data at this point. It contains ceramic material. Fills unit UE200. Possibly equivalent to unit UE138.
ID  2257  -  Public access
Description :   UE197. Fill of brown earth, relatively organic, of medium compaction that is located at the E boundary of the excavation. This is possibly the upper fill of a tomb.
ID  2261  -  Public access
Description :   UE151. Deposit of brown earth (darker than UE150), more mineral than organic and fine grained (clayey); pieces of burnt wood and numerous ceramic remains can also be seen. It is located at the southern end of the intervention. It has a rectangular shape, with fairly rounded corners, with a SW-NE orientation and maximum dimensions of 3 x 1.7 metres (SW-NE x NW-SE); the thickness is unknown as it has not been excavated. It could be the last fill level of a tomb, judging by the amount of material observed and by its morphology, although it is not completely defined in plan. It seems to be insert...
ID  2262  -  Public access
Description :   UE152. Fill of dark gray earth (going towards black); it is mineral (clayey) but with presence of organic matter. Fine granulometry and presence of small pieces of charcoal. It is located in the S-SW zone of the intervention and has a rectangular morphology. Its maximum dimensions are 1.85 x 1.45 metres (SW-NE x NW-SE), without a well-defined orientation. The thickness is unknown as it has not been excavated. Like unit UE151, this could be the fill level of a tomb. It is possible that both are fill deposits of the same burial, given the relationship of proximity between them.
ID  2263  -  Public access
Description :   UE153. Structure composed of several basalt boulders within unit UE150, arranged in a way that has yet to be defined; they are at a similar depth, and are rounded with no edges. To date 4 stones are visible, about 30x30x30 cm, as well as other small parts of another four stones, not yet excavated. It is located in the W corner of the intervention, close to the profile, and could be inserted underneath it.
1661-1670 of 1854 results  
 164 / 165 / 166 / 167 168 / 169 / 170 
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