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1701-1710 of 1854 results
 168 / 169 / 170 / 171 172 / 173 / 174 
ID  2308  -  Public access
Description :   UE278. Geological substratum. Alluvium from the lower terrace of the Río Grande. It is visible in large areas of the excavated area because it was originally cut by the northeastern, southeastern and southwestern walls of the main pit (UE 277). It is a massive deposit of alluvium, of the quaternary age, formed by a continuous superposition of thin layers of clays and silts of horizontal tabular distribution that differ from each other in the shade of their coloration, in their granulometry, and in the proportion of sands that they contain. These small differences between strata are a cons...
ID  2310  -  Public access
Description :   UE283. Dark gray clay colmation fill formed as a result of the abandonment of the lower part of pit 277. It serves as support for the collapse of offering 252c. It has its origin in the filtrations of sediments coming from outside through offering 252. It was formed over stratum 299 from surrounding materials washed away by natural erosion-sedimentation dynamics during the abandonment phase. These deposits were filtered mostly by the juncture that existed between the edges of the platform and the walls of the upper part of the main pit. This led to the massive accumulation of a very fine-grai...
ID  2311  -  Public access
Description :   UE284. Reddish clayey fill of the interior of tomb T8. Both tomb T8 and its fill UE284 are cut; in the southeastern sector by the northwestern wall of T7, and in the northwestern sector by the southeastern wall of T4; in such a way that only a 0.90 m long section has been preserved, acting as evidence between the two subsequent burials. UE284 is a massive fill of compact clayey earth with very little disturbance of the materials (UE 284). It is deposited on the remains of the offering UE280, and seems to mark the moment of colmatation as a result of the abandonment of tomb T8. Above UE280. Bel...
ID  2312  -  Public access
Description :   UE285-UE286. Post impression on the NE flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE316 and to the S of UE287. Associated with post hole UE376. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE376, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the po...
ID  2313  -  Public access
Description :   UE287-UE288. Post impression on the NE flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE285 and to the S of UE289. Associated with post hole UE374. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE374, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the pos...
ID  2314  -  Public access
Description :   UE289-UE290. Post impression on the NE flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE287. Associated with post hole UE372. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE372, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it corr...
ID  2315  -  Public access
Description :   UE291-UE292. Post impression on the SW flank of tomb T7. N of UE293. Associated with post hole UE354. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE354, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it correspond...
ID  2316  -  Public access
Description :   UE293-UE294. Post impression on the SW flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE295 and to the S of UE291. Associated with post hole UE352. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE352, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the ...
ID  2317  -  Public access
Description :   UE295-UE296. Post impression on the SW flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE297 and to the S of UE293. Associated with post hole UE350. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE350, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the ...
ID  2318  -  Public access
Description :   UE297-UE298. Post impression on the SW flank of tomb T7. To the N of UE314 and to the S of UE295. Associated with post hole UE348. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE376, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the pos...
1701-1710 of 1854 results  
 168 / 169 / 170 / 171 172 / 173 / 174 
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