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1711-1720 of 1854 results
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ID  2319  -  Public access
Description :   UE299. Yellowish clayey fill resulting from the erosion of the NW, SW and NE walls of the lower part of pit UE277 of tomb T7. It was deposited on the surface of stratum 324 and on the crest of the burial pit UE325, next to the northeast, northwest and southwest sides of the lower part of the main pit (UE277). It was made up of very compact and homogeneous clay soil, with medium grain and plastic texture; its yellowish tonality allowed it to be easily differentiated from other surrounding units. It exhibited some isolated reddish and blackish spots—resulting from the natural presence of ir...
ID  2320  -  Public access
Description :   UE300. Offering of artifacts placed over burial level UE301, in tomb T7. Composed mostly of ceramic vessels (UE 300). During the archaeological excavation no fill was identified which was completely interposed between burial level UE301 and that of the offering UE300, from which it can be deduced that the latter was placed over the upper layer bodies. It was located inside pit UE325, whose surface it almost completely covered, which is why its contour was adapted with notable precision to that of the pit itself. The density of artefacts was greater on the sides of the offering than in its c...
ID  2321  -  Public access
Description :   UE301. Burial level of tomb T7. It was created within pit UE325, on the surface of stratum UE326. It is a collective burial in a mass grave and a filled space, made up of a total of 42 individuals in primary position—of different status, ages and sex—plus a bundle of human and animal bones in which the minimum number of individuals (MNI) has yet to be determined. The skeletons were found enveloped in a sediment formed by semi-loose, porous, plastic, medium-grained, dark greyish-brown soil with yellowish and blackish hues, which also contained a very high proportion of organic matter from...
ID  2322  -  Public access
Description :   UE302. Impression of wooden brace used to reinforce the eastern end of the NE wall of the lower part of pit UE277, in tomb T7, occurred after the detachment of UE329. To the N of imprint UE304. It is the northernmost of the set of three imprints corresponding to the same number of wooden props by means of which the eastern end of the aforementioned wall was braced, which had been left in an unstable condition after the UE329 detachment. It has a vertical orientation and rectangular shape, is parallel to UE304 and UE306, and was probably generated by a plank or stake. The described imprint h...
ID  2323  -  Public access
Description :   UE303. Fill of the interior of imprint UE302, inside tomb T7. Equivalent to UE283. It was individualised for methodological precaution, and therefore received its own UE number and was excavated independently. However, it was identical in matrix, color and texture to the general sediment that filled this sector of the tomb (UE283). This sediment had invaded the hollow left by the decomposition of the wood to which the UE302 imprint corresponds. Fill UE303 is therefore equivalent to stratum UE283. It fills UE302.
ID  2324  -  Public access
Description :   UE304. Impression of wooden brace used to reinforce the eastern end of the NE wall of the lower part of pit UE277, in tomb T7, occurred after the detachment of UE329. To the S of imprint UE304 and the N of imprint UE306. It is the central one of the set of three imprints corresponding to the same number of wooden props by means of which the eastern end of the aforementioned wall was braced, which had been left in an unstable condition after the UE329 detachment. It has a vertical orientation and rectangular shape, is parallel to UE302 and UE306, and was probably generated by a plank or stak...
ID  2325  -  Public access
Description :   UE305. Fill of the interior of imprint UE304, inside tomb T7. Equivalent to UE283. It was individualised for methodological precaution, and therefore received its own UE number and was excavated independently. However, it was identical in matrix, color and texture to the general sediment that filled this sector of the tomb (UE283). This sediment had invaded the hollow left by the decomposition of the wood to which imprint UE304 corresponds. Fill UE305 is therefore equivalent to stratum UE283. It fills UE304.
ID  2326  -  Public access
Description :   UE306. Impression of wooden brace used to reinforce the eastern end of the NE wall of the lower part of pit UE277, in tomb T7, occurred after the detachment of UE329. To the S of imprint UE304. It is the southernmost of the set of three imprints corresponding to the same number of wooden props by means of which the eastern end of the aforementioned wall was braced, which had been left in an unstable condition after the UE329 detachment. It has a vertical orientation and rectangular shape, is parallel to UE302 and UE304, and was probably generated by a plank or stake. The described imprint h...
ID  2327  -  Public access
Description :   UE307. Fill of the interior of imprint UE306, inside tomb T7. Equivalent to UE283. It was individualised for methodological precaution, and therefore received its own UE number and was excavated independently. However, it was identical in matrix, color and texture to the general sediment that filled this sector of the tomb (UE283). This sediment had invaded the hollow left by the decomposition of the wood to which imprint UE306 corresponds. Fill UE307 is therefore equivalent to stratum UE283. It fills UE306.
ID  2328  -  Public access
Description :   UE308-UE309. Post impression on the NW flank of tomb T7. To the E of UE312. Associated with post hole UE362. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE362, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it cor...
1711-1720 of 1854 results  
 169 / 170 / 171 / 172 173 / 174 / 175 
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