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1721-1730 of 1854 results
 170 / 171 / 172 / 173 174 / 175 / 176 
ID  2329  -  Public access
Description :   UE310-UE311. Post impression on the NW flank of tomb T7. To the E of UE318 and to the W of UE312. Associated with post hole UE358. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE358, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the p...
ID  2330  -  Public access
Description :   UE312-UE313. Post impression on the NW flank of tomb T7. To the E of UE310 and to the W of UE308. Associated with post hole UE360. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE360, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the p...
ID  2331  -  Public access
Description :   UE314-UE315. Post impression on the SW flank of tomb T7. To the S of UE297. Associated with post hole UE346. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE346, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it co...
ID  2332  -  Public access
Description :   UE316-UE317. Post impression on the NE flank of tomb T7. To the S of UE285. Associated with post hole UE378. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE378, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it corr...
ID  2333  -  Public access
Description :   UE318-319. Post impression on the NW flank of tomb T7. To the W of UE310. Associated with post hole UE356. It consists of a stain in the shape of a circular corona, more or less centred on the greyish fill inside post hole UE356, and is made up of very fine grained reddish clay soil with a soapy texture. This ring of reddish sediment had a wide vertical development and displayed continuity across several different strata. This allows it to be interpreted as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. Its singular configuration and dimensions suggest the possibility that it corre...
ID  2334  -  Public access
Description :   UE320. Post hole located next to the W corner of pit 277, of tomb T7, to the N of UE322. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills which were a result of the temporary abandonment of the project (UE328). This sh...
ID  2335  -  Public access
Description :   UE321. Fill of earth inside the hole of post UE320, in tomb T7. Equivalent to stratum UE328, with respect to which it is identical in color, composition and texture. It also lacks the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted where it appears as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. This same feature occurs in the fill of 14 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nºs 320, 322, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 364, 366, 368 and 370). It seems clear, therefore, that these 14 holes were empty at the time of the formation of the o...
ID  2336  -  Public access
Description :   UE322. Post hole located next to the W corner of pit 277, of tomb T7, to the S of UE320. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills which were a result of the temporary abandonment of the project (UE327). This sh...
ID  2337  -  Public access
Description :   UE323. Fill of earth inside the hole of post UE322, in tomb T7. Equivalent to stratum UE327, with respect to which it is identical in color, composition and texture. It also lacks the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted where it appears as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. This same feature occurs in the fill of 14 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nºs 320, 322, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 364, 366, 368 and 370). It seems clear, therefore, that these 14 holes were empty at the time of the formation of the o...
ID  2338  -  Public access
Description :   UE324. Colamation fill caused by the temporary abandonment of the lower part of pit UE277, in tomb T7. It served as a foundation for burial pit UE325. It is a massive deposit made up of dark grey argillaceous earth mixed with dispersed blocks of brown sediment. It is a compact fill, fine-grained, with a plastic and unctuous texture. It differs very clearly from all the units with which it maintains direct physical contact, making its stratigraphic fidelity very high. It occupied the entire surface of the interior of pit 277, adhering to the walls of the pit along its entire perimeter. It cou...
1721-1730 of 1854 results  
 170 / 171 / 172 / 173 174 / 175 / 176 
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