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1731-1740 of 1854 results
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ID  2339  -  Public access
Description :   UE325. Burial pit entirely excavated from fill UE324 which had formed inside tomb T7 during the temporary abandonment phase. Its identification was crucial for the correct interpretation of the constructive and burial processes associated with tomb T7. When the construction of the tomb was resumed, the main pit was filled to only a small percentage of its total capacity, so its configuration must have been perfectly recognizable. In fact, the contour of pit 325 was quite precisely adapted to the boundaries imposed by the existing poles: the north-east, north-west, and south-west sides of the n...
ID  2340  -  Public access
Description :   UE326. Fill on the bottom of burial pit UE325, in tomb T7. It was composed of very dark grayish-brown earth with reddish and blackish shades, generated by the natural presence of iron oxides and by the very high proportion of decomposed organic matter contained in the sediment, in which the presence of medium grain sands is also observed. It had a compact texture and a high degree of plasticity, which was manifested in its high capacity to retain phreatic water. It included some nodules of greyish clay, several small pebbles in their natural state, and scattered nodules of charcoal, in some of...
ID  2341  -  Public access
Description :   UE327. Colmatation sediment as a result of abandonment, located at the bottom of pit UE277, in tomb T7. It rested on the bed of the main pit (UE277). It was composed of yellowish clayey soil with reddish hues, with a compact, plastic, medium grain texture. It was also dotted with a multitude of small black spots of iron oxide of geological origin. It has provided very few archaeological remains: some scattered ceramic fragments, three small gold beads, seven fragments of human bone, one perforated human tooth, one shark tooth, and nine perforated dog teeth. Its surface, appreciably horizontal...
ID  2342  -  Public access
Description :   UE328. Partial collapse of the NW wall of pit UE277 onto its bed, together with numerous artefacts originating from the offering and grave goods of tomb T8. It is the oldest of the fills of the interior pit UE277. It is located exclusively at the base of the north-western boundary of tomb T7. It fills a deep hollow of irregular contour generated by the erosion of the upper part of the previously documented post holes of that location. It is composed of dark brown argillaceous soil, of medium grain and plastic texture, semi-compact and unctuous. It contains some fragments of human bones, an...
ID  2343  -  Public access
Description :   UE329. Undermining of the eastern end of the NE wall of the lower part of pit UE277, in tomb T7, caused by the detachment of a block of geological substratum. It is an irregularly contoured hole, about 0.75 m long by 0.60 m high and about 0.30 m deep, which resulted in the disappearance of the geological substratum at that point and the consequent destruction of the corresponding wall section. The contour of this cavity has irregular prismatic forms typical of the cracking by desiccation of the geological matrix, which seems to correspond to the negative of the detached block. This suggests ...
ID  2344  -  Public access
Description :   UE330. Post hole located next to the E corner of pit UE277, to the SE of UE378 and to the N of UE332, which never fulfilled its function. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It was completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills, which ocurred during the tem...
ID  2345  -  Public access
Description :   UE331. Fill of earth of post hole UE330, in tomb T7. Equivalent to fill UE327, with respect to which it is identical in color, composition and texture. It also lacks the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted where it appears as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. This same feature occurs in the fill of 14 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nºs 320, 322, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 364, 366, 368 and 370). It seems clear, therefore, that these 14 holes were empty at the time of the formation of the oldest strata o...
ID  2346  -  Public access
Description :   UE332. Post hole located next to the E corner of pit UE277, to the SE of UE330 and to the NE of UE334, which never fulfilled its function. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It was completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills, which ocurred during the tem...
ID  2347  -  Public access
Description :   UE333. Fill of earth of post hole UE332, in tomb T7. Equivalent to fill UE327, with respect to which it is identical in color, composition and texture. It also lacks the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted where it appears as the residue left by the decomposition of a post in situ. This same feature occurs in the fill of 14 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nºs 320, 322, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 364, 366, 368 and 370). It seems clear, therefore, that these 14 holes were empty at the time of the formation of the oldest strata o...
ID  2348  -  Public access
Description :   UE334. Post hole located on the SE flank of pit UE277, SW of UE332 and NE of UE336, which never fulfilled its function. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It was completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills, which occurred during the temporary abandonment...
1731-1740 of 1854 results  
 171 / 172 / 173 / 174 175 / 176 / 177 
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