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1761-1770 of 1854 results
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ID  2369  -  Public access
Description :   UE355. Fill of earth of post hole UE354. It differs clearly from the upper fill UE327, and possesses the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted as the residue left by the in situ decomposition of post UE291/292. This same feature occurs in the fill of 13 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nº 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 372, 374, 376 and 378). It seems clear, therefore, that these 13 holes fulfilled the function for which they were created, and housed the same number of posts in the perimeter ring that reinforced the walls of the ...
ID  2370  -  Public access
Description :   UE356. Post hole located on the NW flank of pit UE277, to the NE of UE320 and to the SW of UE358. It was used to house post UE318/319. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area. It is circular in shape, slightly oval, and has a flat bottom and slightly sloping walls, ...
ID  2371  -  Public access
Description :   UE357. Fill of earth of post hole UE356. It differs clearly from the upper fill UE327, and possesses the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted as the residue left by the in situ decomposition of post UE318/319. This same feature occurs in the fill of 13 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nº 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 372, 374, 376 and 378). It seems clear, therefore, that these 13 holes fulfilled the function for which they were created, and housed the same number of posts in the perimeter ring that reinforced the walls of the ...
ID  2372  -  Public access
Description :   UE358. Post hole located on the NW flank of pit UE277, to the NE of UE356 and to the SW of UE360. It was used to house post UE310/311. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area. It is circular in shape, slightly oval, and has a flat bottom and slightly sloping walls, ...
ID  2373  -  Public access
Description :   UE359. Fill of earth of post hole UE358. It differs clearly from the upper fill UE327, and possesses the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted as the residue left by the in situ decomposition of post UE310/311. This same feature occurs in the fill of 13 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nº 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 372, 374, 376 and 378). It seems clear, therefore, that these 13 holes fulfilled the function for which they were created, and housed the same number of posts in the perimeter ring that reinforced the walls of the ...
ID  2374  -  Public access
Description :   UE360. Post hole located on the NW flank of pit UE277, to the NE of UE358 and to the SW of UE362. It was used to house post UE312/313. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area. It is circular in shape, slightly oval, and has a flat bottom and slightly sloping walls, r...
ID  2375  -  Public access
Description :   UE361. Fill of earth of post hole UE360. It differs clearly from the upper fill UE327, and possesses the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted as the residue left by the in situ decomposition of post UE312/313. This same feature occurs in the fill of 13 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nº 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 372, 374, 376 and 378). It seems clear, therefore, that these 13 holes fulfilled the function for which they were created, and housed the same number of posts in the perimeter ring that reinforced the walls of the ...
ID  2376  -  Public access
Description :   UE362. Post hole located on the NW flank of pit UE277, to the NE of UE360 and to the SW of UE364. It was used to house post UE308/309. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area. It is circular in shape, slightly oval, and has a flat bottom and slightly sloping walls, ...
ID  2377  -  Public access
Description :   UE363. Fill of earth of post hole UE362. It differs clearly from the upper fill UE327, and possesses the characteristic reddish stain in the shape of a circular corona that has been interpreted as the residue left by the in situ decomposition of post UE308/309. This same feature occurs in the fill of 13 post holes in tomb T7 (Holes UE nº 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362, 372, 374, 376 and 378). It seems clear, therefore, that these 13 holes fulfilled the function for which they were created, and housed the same number of posts in the perimeter ring that reinforced the walls of the ...
ID  2378  -  Public access
Description :   UE364. Post hole located on the NW flank of pit 277 of tomb T7, to the NE of UE362 and to the NW of UE366. This is one of the 27 post holes made at the bottom of pit UE277 at the time of the initial construction of tomb T7. These holes are lined up next to the base of the walls of the lower part of the tomb, and are distributed around the entire inner perimeter of the tomb at approximately regular intervals. It is completely excavated in the geological substratum of the area and was filled with one of the two oldest colmation fills which were a result of the temporary abandonment of the proj...
1761-1770 of 1854 results  
 174 / 175 / 176 / 177 178 / 179 / 180 
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