2191-2200 of 2614 results
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OD  3003  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Cuenco sobre pedestal
OD  3004  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Jarra globular de cuello largo y base anular
OD  3005  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Presentación de la charla "Aproximación al estudio división sexual del trabajo a partir de análisis de huellas dactilares encontradas en artefactos arqueológicos".
OD  3007  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Plato de la Vajilla Roja Plena.
OD  3008  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Jarra polícroma
OD  3009  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Cuenco de borde alzado.
OD  3011  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Publicación. Julia Mayo, Carlos Mayo and Mercedes Guinea, 2021. Funerary Rituals among the Elite of the Río Grande Chiefdom, Panama, in Pre-Columbian Art from Central América and Colombia at Dumbarton Oaks, pg.331-361, Colin McEwan and John Hoopes, editors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Washington D.C From the introduction ... Sitio Conte was understood to be the principal site of the Río Grande chiefdom, while El Caño was interpreted as a related “ceremonial center” (Cooke, Isaza, and Griggs, et al. 2003). Our discovery at El Caño of large graves containing multiple burials with rich mortuary assemblages and offerings now indicates that this was an important cemetery for the Coclé elite and that its ceremonial functions involved the sequence of funerary rituals described in this essay. El Caño boasts sophisticated pottery and artifact assemblages belonging to the Coclé tradition; however, the postburial ritual offerings made here distinguish it from Sitio Conte, where there is no evidence for this practice. Thus, there appear to be significant differences in funerary practices between these two sites. In this essay, we will describe the funerary rites of an important warrior-chief buried at El Caño one thousand years ago. Our description draws on a close reading of the funerary rites described in sixteenth-century ethnohistoric accounts; this description of the funerary process will, in turn, inform our interpretation of the st...
OD  3012  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Publication. Julia Mayo et al. 2021. Social Complexity at El Caño, in Pre-Columbian Central América, Colombia, and Ecuador: Toward an Integrated Approach., pg.247-270. Colin McEwan and John Hoopes, editors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Washington D.C. From the introduction ... What we present here is an archaeological study structured in three parts. The first focuses on El Caño, a necropolis of the Greater Coclé archaeological tradition (ca. 700– 1000 CE), located on the west bank of the Río Grande in Central Panama. This encompasses two subjects: 1) hereditary inequality and 2) segregation according status, both conditions or circumstances that are typical of stratified societies. In the first part, we deduce the rules that regulate the possession of status in El Caño society from the analysis of the organization of the mortuary space and the distribution of wealth among the infants and adults, male and female, to then infer social complexity. In the second part, we consider the same variables for Sitio Conte, another site with a necropolis located on the east bank of the river 2.5 km downstream. Finally, we compare both cases. The purpose of the second and third parts of the investigation is to explain the phenomenon of two contemporary necropolises existing in the Río Grande valley. To this end, we consider whether both were handled in the same way, according to the same social norms. This helps us determine whether S...
OD  3014  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Cuenco hemisférico de borde acanalado
OD  3015  -  Acceso público
Descripción del Objeto Digital (OD) :   Jarra globular. Solo se conserva el cuerpo. Falta cuello y borde. Muy posiblemente se trate de un carafe.
2191-2200 of 2614 results  
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